A poetic, dynamic window for RIBA and Karen Millen

Karen Millen Grace

Over 150 timber silhouettes suspended throughout Karen Millen’s flagship store windows creating a sense of dynamic movement.
Emma-Kate Matthews
Production + Installation

Karen Millen x StudioXAG: Grace Campaign

In September 2014, as part of the RIBA Regent Street Windows Project, in collaboration with architect EKM Works we produced this graceful installation inspired by the Karen Millen AW14 campaign.

The expansive 25 metre long installation reflects the Karen Millen woman on a journey across the city. EKM Works 3D-scanned the Karen Millen mannequins, digitally creating a series of silhouettes that flowed from one mannequin to the next throughout the window space.

StudioXAG worked with EKM to problem solve, then fabricate and install the abstract sculptural installation comprising of over 150 silhouettes in 18mm birch ply, individually suspended from a bespoke ceiling rig, framing Karen Millen mannequins.