Emotional States for Next-generation Brand Connection

Unpacking the third and final principle of our Hyperphysical Experiences insights study, we look to an acceleration in the multi-sensory and what this means for brands connecting with their audiences

As brands redefine their metrics of success in a world yearning for re-enchantment, they have the power to spark profound emotional connections by offering sensorial, transformative and awe-inspiring encounters.

Brands should consider creating ephemeral collective journeys, inviting visitors to connect with each other by immersing themselves in experiences that explore a range of feelings, from ecstasy to fear.

BreathLab at Nike House of Innovation, Paris
“Crafting experiences with emotional payback brings mutual reward: consumers are more likely to spend on a brand that makes them feel, from joy to surprise, inspiration, and more.”
VML Intelligence’s ‘The Age of Reenchantment’ 2023 study

Case study > BreathLab at Nike House of Innovation, Paris

A responsive AI-informed experience invites visitors to engage through intuitive interactions, creating a personalised spatial experience that forges deep emotional connections.

Visitors engage in guided breathwork exercises captured via a thermal camera that displays them as glowing ‘Aura’ portraits. These ‘Auras’ linger on the walls, creating a collective gradient throughout the day.

BreathLab at Nike House of Innovation, Paris
BreathLab at Nike House of Innovation, Paris

How do you connect with your audience on an emotional level?

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