A charming nautical scheme for Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin Nautique

Speedboats, sleek lifebuoys and skis showcase items from the Parisian brands SS19 collection
Christian Louboutin
Photography (London)
Melvyn Vincent
Production + Install
Photography (Paris)
Kristen Pelou

Christian Louboutin x StudioXAG: Nautique

StudioXAG took to the waves with Loubi Nautique! Designed by the team at Christian Louboutin, we produced and installed a summer window rollout for 12 stores across Europe.

Briefed with a charming maritime concept complete with thrill-seeking water skiers and illustrated ocean waves, we teamed up with specialist model makers to bring Louboutin’s window design to life. Glossy Louboutin red speedboats glided on peaks of rolling waves. Sleek lifebuoys and skis showcased items from the SS19 collection, tethered with rope in running bowline knots, completing the nautical scheme.

Winner of Best Boutique Window at the VM & Display Awards 2019